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2000+ Market Research Database

Before diving further into 2000+ market research database, let’s put some light on what is market research. Market research defines a process that gathers, analyze and interpret about a market, product/service requirement in the market, about customer historical, present and future perspective, socio-economic characteristic of the market, and need of the target market, overall industry needs, and competitor analysis.
For any business, it is important to have good market research done before venturing into the market. Good market research with prolific information on a customer, competition, market requirement, and industry, in general, helps business owners with insightful information.
Therefore, good market research can helps business owners in making an informed decision about the feasibility of a business venture.

There are many other reasons why market research is important for a business. Some of the generally applicable reasons for the requirement of market research are:

Market research is usually done in two ways; primary market research usually involving data gathering through personal means. On the other hand, secondary research where research is conducted across secondary data sources like – Internal data, syndicated data, Expert advice, Internet, Industry data, Macro data, Market research report, etc and also on open data management sources.

Secondary market research can also play a vital role in gaining insightful information on the market environment. This approach is much more economical to business than the primary research. The insightful market research gives clarity on market challenges and other market factors for business planning. For instance, market research does help in planning for market segmentation (identifying specific groups within a market) and product differentiation (building a brand that differentiates from competitors); etc.


What is inside 2000+ Market Research database

This small business market research verified database enlist, databases across many countries covering all continents.  This secondary source includes:

Public sources:  Data from government departments, business departments of public libraries, and so on.  These databases usually offer free and often a lot of good information. Government statistics is the top source for a wide range of public data.

Commercial sources: There are many commercial databases that offer some free or preview data often free and valuable. Full accesses usually involve cost factors such as subscription and association fees. Some of the Commercial databases are research and trade associations, publicly traded corporations, banks, and other financial institutions.

Educational institutions:  Colleges, Universities, and Technical institutes conduct much research in virtually any sector of the business is usually a source of many valuable data which is often overlooked

This database has a list of 2000+ free resources