How to make video marketing effective?
Significance and popularity of video is growing continuously. That means it is essential to stay updated on newest advances and old rule implication for making effective marketing video.

By Admin
I have seen many video with great headline, contents and best benefits it is offering to its audiences – but then it was missing something. It is missing the objective for which it created or designed to get desired call for action. These marketing videos are not able to get food to marketer’s dining table. These marketing video are simply lacking the effectiveness that a effective marketing video should have.
So, what exactly is effective video marketing? What is the big deal? Well it really all boils down to conversions. You have to do effective video marketing to get desired conversion.
What make it different?
Effective video marketing is all about conversions. The video has to play a role in influencing viewers to wipe their credit cards in buying something or to clicks, enter their email address or zip code into a phone to contact or subscribe. Whatever may be the case be the video converges whoever is watching the video – somehow some way – leading to marketer making money or getting desired call for action results.
This is obvious that the marketing video do this in one of two ways. Either it converts the viewer directly, or video is part of the conversion project. And, this conversion process may happen immediately or it can take sometimes. Whatsoever be the case may, it is confirm that video plays a role in this conversion process.
So, what makes video marketing powerful?
Power of human voice and eye contact
When we watch a video, we actually see many different signals being flashed to us in the time span of fractions of seconds. We are not even aware of them. With all these signals bombard to us, make an impact on our mind, and subconsciously we are put these signals together.
For example, if you’re watching a video spoke person. You do pay attention to their facial expression, their demeanor, the way they say their words, and how quickly they’re talking. All these and other non verbal signals paint pictures. It all leads to the question, “Should I trust this person or not?” What is in it for me? Video enables marketers to answer those two questions in two very powerful way.
One, the power of the human voice
Two, when somebody is talking to you, they are making eye contact.
They are also talking to you with their voice, you are not just hearing sound signals. These sound signals pack lots of value. You can interpret in all sorts of meaning depending on the tone of voice. The emotions you detect from the voice. How quickly the person is talking?
It is easy to tell whether somebody is confident or if somebody is basically tripping over themselves. It is easy to tell whether somebody actually is an experts or somebody is playing somehow some sort of rolls.
These two factors combine to produce the secret to video marketing.
“As awesome as video may look, please understand that it still follows the same old rules. What are the old rules of salesmanship? They are very basic.”
The Old sales rules still apply
As awesome as video may look, please understand that it still follows the same old rules. What are the old rules of salesmanship? They are very basic.
First, you have to get people’s attention
Not everybody, watching your video is, in your target market, not everyone would want to buy your product, not everybody has the problems being solved by the product or services you are promoting. Many people who view your video may be doing it out of curiosity, may be they have nothing else better to do; you have to weed those people out.
The video has to be clear in so many ways that it’s only for this type of person. That’s how you get interest. Also, the video has to be setup to filter people based on their interest quickly and efficiently.
Second, you have to filter them by interest
The video has to speak to the viewers’ needs. Basically, the video has to say, now I have that filtered you by your interest. You have been watching this video because you have this problem, and here are the most common solutions to those problems. But, here are the problems with those solutions. I have something better, I have something that is cheaper, faster, more convenient, more effective, more scalable.
Call to Action
Finally, the old rules of sales man ship direct us to the prospect to action.
You cannot just tell them about solutions. Get them all pump up, and then keep them hanging. You are not generating sales that way. You have to call them to action. Here is the trick. You cannot just say, click here to order now, that’s not going work, because everybody is doing that. Instead, you have to tie the call to action with the benefits.
For example, if you want to regain the beautiful and active live that you used to have before addiction, fill out this form and claim your new reality. You see, how that works. Basically, you pack the benefits into the call to action and you do it in way that triggers an emotional reaction. Video has to incorporate these old rules and has to do seamlessly, quickly, efficiently and in a compact way.

Video and the Rule of Eight
It is all about multiple exposures. People have attention span of only eight second for the video.
Let me ask you, when was the last time you saw an ad for the first time, clicked it, and bought something?
I think this hardly happen. The truth is most people want to see ads enough time for them to at least feel them it is familiar enough for it to be worth taking the risk of clicking. They click, they see what it’s about and then they do not buy anything. Then they see the ad again and again and eventually they click through and some of them would convert.
The great thing about video is that you can override the power of the rule of eight. Basically when you are promoting via video, the vast majority of people in your target market, probably would not bother with it. Once you get a certain percentage of click though, but majority of them will bounce out, you then have a few watching the video all the way though, and then converting.
In other words, its low click-through rate is more than offset by its amazing power to get people to dwell on the content. The more they dwell on the content, the more they get branded, and make them keep coming back. They also start changing how they feel, their feeling started to change regarding ads. You are no longer some sorts of mysterious, or some sort of unknown brand.
Instead, they feel that somehow someway, they kind of know you. You are not exactly a stranger, this gives you a competitive advantages. The more ads you show the higher the likelihood that they eventually click through, make it all the way through the conversion process.