The startling rise of the home-cooked food business
“No one who cooks, cooks alone. Even at her most solitary, a cook in the kitchen is surrounded by generations of cooks past, the advice, and menus of cooks present, the wisdom of cookbook writers.” – Laurie Colwin
Get undiscovered insight on New business – home cooked food business

By Admin
Good food is one of the essential items for people’s healthy daily living or otherwise. People always strive to have good food and put in extra effort to get access to good food. Be it usual lunch, dinner, or party good home-cooked always liven up the occasions or lunch/dinner table.
It is always hard for young professionals, office goers, boarders to have good home-cooked food unless they start preparing for themselves. For these segments of people, good home cooked food is most of the distant reach. A logical way for these sets of people is to start cooking. And, probably they can manage well cooking out something new every other day with some online free cooking Guru and sharing their opportunity on social media.
Industry watchers can see with clarity that there is a demand for good home-cooked food for these segments of people. Until recently there has been really a void in the market place.
In recent time there have been several aggregator platforms for which has been trying to connect home-cooked chef with a consumer of home-cooked food. This has created an opportunity for hundreds of thousands of eager home-cooked chef business opportunities.
Home chef or dabbawala falls in the unorganized food delivery segment food market in India. This market segment is a huge market and estimating this market size is a humongous task. Industry watcher made a ballpark estimate that this market size
could be larger than $85.57 billion by 2022-2023. This estimate is within a reasonable limits considering the fact that the restaurant sector food market size is expected to reach $48.76 billion by 2023.

“As per Government of India data there are about 7935 towns in India. Now, if you consider the $85.57 billion unorganized food market, that give each town an unorganized food market size of $1.08 billion by 2022-2023.”
One of key factor of Indian food market is that 35% of this market prefers to have home cook food. This point actually opens up opportunity for all home cook to tap the market gap of $85.57 billion market. Under the pandemic and post pandemic scenario many home cook cloud kitchen sprang up in the market powered up by many new startup aggregator for this segments of entrepreneurs.
People preferring “Home cooked” food would looked for “Hygiene and food quality standards” as top priority. This seems not a big challenge for a “home chef”. Home chef kitchen fasts evolving in unorganized food market segment powered by aggregator apps to connect them to consumers.
This analysis of home chef cooks food market by Senitih business consulting based on public data available on different home chef provider aggregator site a ball mark estimate of India’s home chef cook food market estimated.

Guwahati Home Chef Food Market Size
As per Government of India data there are about 7935 towns in India. Now, if you consider the $85.57 billion unorganized food market, that give each town an unorganized food market size of $1.08 billion by 2022-2023. This data can also help in estimating home chef cook food market size based on the fact that 35% of the market prefer “home cook food”. Apparently, this gives you home chef cook food market size of $378 million. One may argue that this is not correct estimate, but then it has logic to reaching this market size, which is more or less plausible.
Present Market Scenario
The Home Chef Cook Food market in Guwahati, as per this business consulting analysis is completely untapped barring a few home chefs who are probably on the aggregator platform. Even if 10% of the $378 million home chef market is tapped it can give gross revenue of $37.8 million annually for “home chef” in this market segment. This market potential is seeing the gap lacking aggregator market focus, planning and logistics, and most importantly branding of a home chef value proposition to the market demand.
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